Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Felix Zulauf is a respected market forecaster who has had a great last few years. Zulauf is terribly bearish and believes the debt deflation environment is far from running its course. He believes we are currently at a major turning point in the markets where investors are beginning to realize that government spending is not the solution to all our problems. He says the fiscal austerity measures will only increase deflationary pressures and that the pain is inevitable and unavoidable:

“The world is at a major crossroads. Some countries are at the end of a dead-end street. Greece has hit the wall. Spain and Hungary probably will be next. The Greek debt crisis was the beginning of markets refusing to finance irresponsible public-sector indebtedness. It will travel from the periphery to the center in coming years. The common denominator in the housing crisis, the euro crisis and the banking crisis is that industrialized economies carry too much debt. These crises show that we have to rewrite our system. We have been living a fiction for the past 20 years in order to enjoy a greater standard of living. Hard times are ahead, and the steps that Europe has announced to contain its crisis are only the beginning. Governments must cut spending and promises, such as entitlement programs, and raise taxes. At best this means stagnation for some years, but it could be much worse. Deflationary pressures will increase.”

The entire article can be read here:

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